Prof. Dai gave invited talk at The 6th Tsinghua University Forum for Young Scholars.
Tsinghua DuShi Salon
Prof. Dai gave invited talk at The Chinese Conference on Brain-Machine Intelligence.
Special Session: Brain-Machine Integrated Organism
Prof. Dai gave invited talk at 2024 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering.
Special Session: Asian Pacific Biomedical Engineering Consortium (APBEC) Young Scholars
Xinyue Wang earned 研究生综合优秀奖学金!
by School of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University.
Prof. Dai gave invited talk at 2024 Annual Conference on Brain Science and Diseases.
Session 1 – Brain-Machine Interface
Kai-San Chan has graduated.
Kai-San successfully defended his master thesis and earned M.Eng. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Tsinghua University.
Qiyue Zhang received “启研” and “先锋” 项目资助!
本科生“启研”计划 from 北京市自然科学基金
为先科创先锋支持计划 from 清华大学
Jiaheng Yu and Juan Tan joined our group as Ph.D. students.
Jiaheng earned his B.Eng. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Beihang University.
Juan earned her M.Eng. & B.Eng. degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Sichuan University. Welcome!
Prof. Dai gave invited talk at 7th Annual Meeting of the China Association Against Epilepsy (CAAE).
Session 2 – Brain Science
Yi He & Yifan Guo received “大学生创新创业训练计划”项目资助!
from Beijing Students’ Platform for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program.
Prof. Dai is selected as Innovators Under 35 (TR35) China 2023.
by MIT Technology Review
Prof. Dai gave talk at Online Lecture on Brain Network Disorders.
Invited by Prof. Guoguang Zhao, Xuanwu Hospital
Qinghua Duan and Zhuoya Liu joined our group as Master students.
They both earned their B. Eng. degrees in Light Industry Technology and Engineering from Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication. Welcome!
Prof. Dai gave invited talk at 4th Conference on Micro-Nano Technology and Innovation in Medical Health 2024.
Session 2 – Implantable Micro-Nano Biosensors and Medical Instruments
Prof. Dai received the inaugural APBEC Young Scholar Award!
APBEC Young Scholar Award is a prestigious recognition presented by the Asia Pacific Biomedical Engineering Consortium (APBEC). Thanks APBEC!
Pan Zhang and Ping Zhu obtained CLS Postdoc Fellowships!
Supported by Tsinghua-Peking University Center for Life Sciences. Congratulations!
Ziyu Li joined our group as a technician.
Ziyu earned her B.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine from Liaodong University. Welcome!
Prof. Dai gave invited talk at World Young Scientist Summit (WYSS).
International Symposium on Carbon Energy
Prof. Dai was invited to participate in The Innovation Conference 2023.
Brain-Computer Interfaces Panel Discussion
Prof. Dai gave invited talk at 25th Annual Conference of the CSMNT.
14th International Conference of the CSMNT
Session M1: BioMEMS
Prof. Dai gave keynote lecture at Chinese Biomaterials Congress.
Session 19: Neuroregeneration and Functional Neuromodulation
Wanjun Chen joined our group as a technician.
Wanjun earned her M.Sc. in Physical Electronics from Guangzhou University. Welcome!
Houteng Chan joined our group as an undergraduate researcher.
Houteng is an undergraduate student from Tsinghua University with major in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome!
Our group receives 北京市科技新星项目资助!
We thank for the support from the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission!
Prof. Dai gave talk at HOPE Young Scientist Forum.
Invited by Prof. Baoyang Hu, Institute of Zoology, CAS
Yiyu Dong and Zhi Chen joined our group as undergraduate researchers.
Yiyu and Zhi are undergraduate students from Tsinghua University with major in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome!
Pan Zhang joined our group as a postdoctoral scholar.
Pan earned his Ph.D. in Engineering Thermophysics from Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry. Welcome!
Prof. Dai gave talk at Peking University Sixth Hospital.
Invited by Prof. Weihua Yue, Institute of Mental Health, Peking University.
Yusen Wang and Ying Liu joined our group as research assistants.
Yusen earned his M.Eng. in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering from Beihang University. Ying earned her M.Sc. in Biophysics from Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems. Welcome!
2023 Dai Group Summer Camp starts!
Welcome Xinwei Liu, Xinyan Pang, Qin Yang, Jiaheng Yu and Ruyue Zhong to join our group for a short but exciting research experience.
Prof. Dai gave talk at the “Qian Fan” Lecture – Youth Physician Scientist Symposium.
Invited by Prof. Tien Yin Wong, Tsinghua Medicine.
Amanda Li, Shenghao He, Shuying Wu and Rongqing Yuan have graduated.
Amanda Li, Shenghao He, Shuying Wu and Rongqing Yuan finished their undergraduate final projects and successfully defended their undergraduate thesis. Congratulations!
Xiao Li joined our group as a research assistant.
Xiao earned his M. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine from Shandong Agricultural University. Welcome!
Prof. Dai gave invited talk at the 6th International Conference on Nanoenergy and Nanosystems.
Symposium 5: Self-powered Bioelectronics
Shuying obtained Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis!
Guangxiu obtained CLS Postdoc Fellowship!
Supported by Tsinghua-Peking University Center for Life Sciences. Congratulations!
Prof. Dai gave talk at the State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy.
Invited by Prof. Jia Geng, Sichuan University/State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy
Yifan Guo and Yi He joined our group as undergraduate researchers.
Yifan is an undergraduate student from Tsinghua University with major in Chemical Biology. Yi is an undergraduate student from Tsinghua University with major in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome!
Shenghao He, Aikun Shen, Yuchen Yang and Jiaheng Yu joined our group as undergraduate researchers.
Shenghao, Aikun and Yuchen are undergraduate students from Tsinghua University with major in Biomedical Engineering. Jiaheng is an undergraduate student from Beihang University with major in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome!
Mingxue Dai joined our group.
Ms. Dai will become our laboratory manager. Welcome!
Shuying Wu joined our group as an undergraduate researcher.
Shuying is an undergraduate student from Tianjin University with major in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome!
Guangxiu Cao joined our group as a postdoctoral scholar.
Guangxiu earned her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Beihang University and her M.Eng. in Chemical Engineering from Hebei University of Technology. Welcome!
Yingjie Hao joined our group as a Master student.
Yingjie earned his B.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering from Tsinghua University. Welcome!
Shipeng Lin joined our group as a research assistant.
Shipeng earned his B.Eng. in Electronic Science & Technology from Southeast University. Welcome!
Jinyu obtained Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis.
Yi Zheng joined our group as an undergraduate researcher.
Yi is an undergraduate student from Tsinghua University with major in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome!
Xinyue obtained Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis.
Tianyi Fang, Yanlin Long, Xinyue Wang and Jinyu Zang have graduated.
Tianyi Fang, Yanlin Long, Xinyue Wang and Jinyu Zang finished their undergraduate final projects and successfully defended their undergraduate thesis. Congratulations!
Mo Yang joined our group as a Ph.D. student.
Mo earned his B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from Tsinghua University. Welcome!
Amanda Li joined our group as an undergraduate researcher.
Amanda is an undergraduate student from Tsinghua University with major in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome!
Our group receives 临港实验室“求索杰出青年计划”项目资助!
We thank for the support from the Lingang Laboratory!
Yanlin Long joined our group as an undergraduate researcher.
Yanlin is an undergraduate student from Beijing University of Chemical Technology with major in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome!
Our group receives 国家自然科学基金原创项目资助!
We thank for the efforts from our project leader, Prof. Chen Jiang, and the support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China!
Prof. Dai appointed as Associate Editor of Nano TransMed.
Nano TransMed (Tsinghua University Press) is an open access international, peer-reviewed journal that embraces interdisciplinary and cross-boundary research and linkage between nanotechnology and clinical applications.
Prof. Dai gave talk in the Tsinghua BME & Public Health Seminar.
Representing the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University
Tianyi Fang, Xinyue Wang and Jinyu Zang joined our group as undergraduate researchers.
Tianyi is an undergraduate student from Huazhong University of Science and Technology with major in Biomedical Engineering. Xinyue is an undergraduate student from Tianjin University with major in Chemical Engineering. Jinyu is an undergraduate student from South China University of Technology with major in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome!
Our group receives 清华大学春风基金一般项目资助!
We thank for the support from Tsinghua University!
Our group receives 国家自然科学基金面上项目资助!
We thank for the support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China!
2021 Dai Group Summer Camp starts!
Welcome Tianyi Fang, Xinyue Wang, Jinyu Zang, Luoyao Lin and Mei Mei to join our group for a short but exciting research experience.
Zhenqin Du joined our group as an undergraduate reseacher.
Zhenqin is an undergraduate student from University of Oxford with major in Information Engineering. Welcome!
Yan Zhao and Tianqin Ning joined our group.
Yan earned his B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering from Dalian Institute of Technology. He will be a Ph.D. student at Tsinghua.
Tianqin earned his B.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering from Beihang University. He will be a research assistant in our group. Welcome!
Ke He joined our group as a research assistant.
Mr. He earned his M.Eng. in Materials Engineering from University of Science and Technology of China. Welcome!
Yan Zhao and Tianqin Ning visited our group.
Yan and Tianqin come to our laboratory to share their undergraduate research projects with us. They will both join our group shortly.
Rui Liu and Yujie Wang joined our group as research assistants.
Rui earned her B.Sc. in Chemistry and Mathematics from College of William and Mary.
Yujie earned his B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology. Welcome!
Biyao Wu joined our group.
Ms. Wu will become our laboratory manager. Welcome!
Prof. Dai gave invited talk in the 13th National Conference on MicroTAS.
The 8th National Symposium on Micro/NanoScale Bioseparations and Bioanalysis
The 8th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems
Prof. Dai gave talk in the 32nd CCS Congress.
Session 3 – Bioanalytical Chemistry
Rongqing Yuan and Susan Su joined our group as undergraduate researchers.
Rongqing is an undergraduate student from Tsinghua University with major in Chemical Biology. Susan is an MIT undergraduate student (currently in MIT’s MISTI-China program) with major in Mechanical Engineering. Welcome!
Zhen Liu joined our group as a Ph.D. student.
Mr. Liu will be our very first group member! Warmest welcome!
Prof. Dai gave talk in the BME Frontier Forum.
Invited by Prof. Xiaojie Duan, Peking University
Prof. Dai gave talk in the Regenerative Medicine Forum.
Invited by Prof. Yanan Du, Tsinghua University